Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lose fat news 09/10/2007 14:51

Muscle & Fitness - The winner's circle
September 1, 2007 -- I was fat. Not chubby, voluptuous or even big-boned. When I started high school I was 5' and 180 pounds. I was called names and had few friends. I had ...
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Healthy-eating instincts asleep (The Record)
By now, we all know that most of America is fat. But Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist with Cambridge Health Alliance and a professor at Harvard Medical School, says the reasons for this -- and how to change it -- may come as a surprise.
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Aerobics pioneer says it’s never too late to get healthy (The State)
“Start Strong, Finish Strong: Prescriptions for a Lifetime of Great Health,” by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper and Dr. Tyler C. Cooper (Avery, $24.95) After about age 30, the “unattended” human body begins to fall apart: We lose strength, bone mass, aerobic capability, energy and immune function. Eyesight and mental acuity begin to deteriorate, joints ache, metabolism slows, and skin sags. But it doesn’t ...
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Ebony - The Rev Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant: from G.E.D. to PH.D. and a global mission
September 1, 2007 -- In the vein of "call and response," Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant says, "Somebody say, 'Preach, Black man!'" And the congregation ...
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Deseret News (Salt Lake City) - Riverton wallops Hillcrest after Huskies lose players
September 8, 2007 -- RIVERTON -- Two groups of boys in a difficult situation came together Friday night to do one of the few things that makes them forget about the trouble ...
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Sorting the wheat from the chaff (Canada.com)
There's a lot of confusion surrounding carbohydrates: Are they good or bad for us? Is a low-carb diet a good way to lose weight? You need carbohydrates to function.
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Philadelphia Daily News - Joe Sixpack | Create test, learner's permit for safer teen drinking
September 14, 2007 -- ANOTHER college semester is under way, and that means another million freshmen will be learning about alcohol the hard way, from beer bongs to ritual ...
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Cubs fans never lose hope (Quad-City Times)
CHICAGO — Skip never lost hope. Not to the very end. Even as his dreams of a Chicago Cubs World Series were about to melt away into an unseasonably steamy October night, he wasn’t ready to concede.
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Shape - A new definition of success: I'm gradually learning that the number on the scale isn't the only way to measure my progress
October 1, 2007 -- On New Year's Day I set a goal of getting down to 125 pounds--what I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago. As I close in on that number and the weight ...
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Freshman 15? Think again. (Detroit Free Press)
Unlimited access to all-you-can-eat dining halls. Late-night partying and pizzas. Studying fueled by high-fat snacks.
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