Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lose fat news 15/09/2007

Cutting out the fat (South Philly Review)
After a citywide ban on trans fat, owners of local restaurants and bakeries are feeling different effects. After nearly two weeks of trans fat becoming a banned ingredient within city limits, many local restaurants aren’t feeling the pinch, but bakeries are finding the change half-baked.

Your Workplace Enemy Is You (New York Times)
The ways workers sabotage their own careers, work with teams, get fat on the job and more.

Lose fat news 15/09/2007
Many people are frustratingly suffering from the fast fat loss diet syndrome one way or another when all it takes to lose fat fast is to burn fat faster than it grows, build lean muscle mass, develop strength and cardiovascular . ...

Lose fat news 15/09/2007
Scientists in Sweden have reported that patients taking conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA for short, lose fat- especially abdominal or belly fat. CLA is a special type of fatty acid, and is available in the US without prescription. ...

Lose fat news 15/09/2007
on the topic of nutrition, and working directly with people on their diets, it's this: it's rarely one single thing a person does that is sabotaging their efforts to lose fat and or gain muscle,but a bunch of little things that. ...

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