Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lose fat news 22/09/2007 15:48

Muscle & Fitness - Downetoupt
September 1, 2007 -- There are a few themes you may notice in this magazine if you're a regular reader. We write a lot about creatine and whey protein and boosting testosterone ...
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Deseret News (Salt Lake City) - Teachers could lose their Fritos
September 8, 2007 -- Teachers: Your school could become a BYOB zone. No longer would you be able to get your Diet Coke at a faculty lounge vending machine under a policy ...
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Ebony - The Rev Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant: from G.E.D. to PH.D. and a global mission
September 1, 2007 -- In the vein of "call and response," Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant says, "Somebody say, 'Preach, Black man!'" And the congregation ...
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Deseret News (Salt Lake City) - Riverton wallops Hillcrest after Huskies lose players
September 8, 2007 -- RIVERTON -- Two groups of boys in a difficult situation came together Friday night to do one of the few things that makes them forget about the trouble ...
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Have Fat, Will Fight It (New York Times)
As long as Americans have had fat, it seems, there have been shortcuts sought to eliminate it. Here is an abridged history of how some people have trimmed down or tried.*http%3A//
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Lose Ab Fat & Eliminate Muffin Top Fast! (BellaOnline)
Lose ab fat and eliminate muffin top fast with a better nutrition plan. Reasons why you have a belly bulge, awesome nutrition strategies for ab fat loss, plus 2 foods you must avoid if you want fat loss results.*http%3A//
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Fitness expert exposes 'fat lies' in health industry in new book (Philadelphia Daily News)
International fitness expert and consumer advocate Craig Pepin-Donat has written a book - "The Big Fat Health and Fitness Lie" (Waterside Publishing, $24.95) - in which he claims to tell the truth about dieting, nutrition, supplements, fitness clubs, home exercise equipment, prescription drugs and governmental agencies that say they protect you.*http%3A//
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Oakland Tribune - Battle plan against fat is right on the button
August 27, 2007 -- Q:NO MATTER what I do, my belly still protrudes. How can I get flatter abdominals? A. According to the National Institutes of Health, National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute, obesity substant
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THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Govern yourself: Streamline work, lose weight (The Hook)
Recently I needed to lose 10 pounds. I did it by changing how I do my job. 1. I stopped letting work slip until the last minute.*http%3A//
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Nutrition Action Healthletter - How extra pounds boost your risk
September 1, 2007 -- Why worry about XXL size pants? According to a 2006 survey by the American Cancer Society, 83 percent of Americans know that extra flab boosts their ...
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